Clarice and Hadi’s Point Reyes engagement session was an absolute pleasure. I loved finally meeting these two in person and really having fun and exploring one of their favorite parts of California as we made their engagement photos.
The forecast threatened rain, but we decided to try our luck and see where it got us. If we got rained out, we’d reschedule. But sometimes grey skies and wet grass can make for dreamy, beautiful, moody images… and some incredible light. I am so happy we went ahead with the session as we did – I love these photos!
p.s. Thinking about your own engagement photos? Click through here to read my recommendations for the 25+ best engagement photo locations in California!
With all the rain we had been having recently, this session was beautiful and green.
These two are SO cute!
Clarice has the most beautiful smile.
I absolutely LOVE the engagement ring that Hadi picked out. It’s beautiful and unique and absolutely stunning.
Are you kidding me?!
Clarice totally rocked her heels in this session. We brought easier to walk in shoes and she did wear those a bit, but mostly she strutted around in these dreamy heels. Love the classy look!
So romantic in black and white!
But we had fun, too. :)
So happy and relaxed together.

The next three are a few of my favorites from this session. Mantlepiece worthy!
And then we found some blue bells and I stuck them in the flowers with the greenery. Love it!
Beautiful spot right!?
Snuggles with your favorite human:
And sweet kisses, too.
Love Hadi’s super genuine and super big smile. The best combo!
I absolutely love a dress with a bit of movement. This is perfect!
I mean, come ON. So cute!
After some time in the forest, we headed in to the field. There were deer grazing in the distance and clearing storm clouds. It was beautiful and quiet and we had the place to ourselves. I love these shots with the big, open sky. What a beautiful pale blue.
But these happy smiles beat everything. Such good people. :)
Perfect light for black and white.
Beautiful, happy friends and life partners. This is what it’s all about, folks. XO
Hadi looking handsome. Love the light grey suit!
Cute cute!
And Clarice looking gorgeous. Loved her outfit! That skirt!
I mean, come ON. Stunning!
And the sky! YOWZA!
Clarice and Hadi, thank you both so much for such a wonderful session. I had the best time hanging out and photographing you two and I am *so* excited for your wedding this year. Thank you for everything. XO
For more engagement and couples photos, see HERE. For weddings I’ve photographed and blogged, see HERE. To get in contact with questions about having me photograph YOU, click HERE! Can’t wait to meet you.